the scope of the day Hizbolla apparently go into Israel and steal two Israeli Forces,…
This is a real cool horoscope,.. for its expliciatcy, real time, in front of us,.. this is the scope of the day Hezbollah apparently go into Israel and steal two Israeli Forces,… following which, we hear demands that they are to be in return for the hundreds of detainee’s Israel incarcerates thankfully for the Lebanon,… Right !?,..

Now lets keep our eye on the ball here Folks,…
USA and it’s “Just” Axis,… Just the Right One Folks,…
Have Publicly Categorically Stated, that they will stir up trouble in any area they kinda can, to root out that other Axis,… oooo,.. yep the TABOOO axis,… gash,..Golly,..
We’ll trick them into action here folks,.. like set them up with the drugs,…
Hey you smoking marijuana boy, whed you get that?
Hey I jus got it from you turkey, few days back,.. couldnabeen me sonny,.. I the Good Guy,… [turns to camera Glee] look,.. he’s got the Gun!!!!
Must be a TABOO type,.. rrrr Maka something to kiell it!
The folk back home are reeeally rootin for them Good Guys,…. [illusive at best]
Make you feel comfortable you know, Secure,…
See the mOOn,… see she is going forward to Pass Both Neptune and Uranus,….
Now this is a good example of how a full moon operates,… with Power,..
What’s the Story Line?,.. Hama’s have recently captured a Hostage and the Hizbolla Bowling Squad are pulling off their Two Dollar Down Gamble today sometime!,… look at the date of the Horoscope, yes… See the Two Dollars?,……[Neptune Uranus]……….. is my Point here,..
See the turkey Hama’s is Carrying,… as in Pluto,…
[somehow you don’t look too happy with your turkey there son,..]
More like sitting duck,.. a momento of our visit?,…
Lovely stuff,… this is a good horoscope and example of why you as an educated Folk, should Follow the Stars,… for in their language they do murmur,….
This Horoscope then too points to 2012,… look at the Moons trine to Pluto and Mars, in Fire Signs,….. Errr,… Scorched Earth policy? Heh heh,…
rr yup,.. Mission Accomplished Sir,.. We Have Scorched the Earth !,… duh,..
Is that like Redneck speak or something,… like Well done guys,….
Some dude sleeping in sin city Las Vegas steering drones in the middle east,…
Babe stradling the beast in a bed of luxury,…
Welcome my Pretties,… 2000’s PLUS,…
TABOO is something that needs to be tossed off the back of the boat,…
TABOO is the ULTIMATE controlling device and reason a Number 1 for Religion!,.
Bang On,.. and Dare I say,.. Bang,… see the two do just go together,.. Base Chakra Boogie,…
This is a good horoscope,.. the progressions will show us a way into the future as they would have it,…Might we elaborate in the future,… But we definitely will keep it up for refrence,..
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