Ceres is Promoted to Dwarf Planetary Status,…, the Art of Astrology - World Interest"/>

25 August 2006

Ceres is Promoted to Dwarf Planetary Status,…

This is a big event for the Goddess energy, the Queen of Fertility,..
Demeter, and her struggle against Hades,… The bad ass of he heavens who wants to rape her all the time,… So he has been demoted to Dwarf Planet Himself,.. hah,.. he must be fuming,… The Demise of Fossil Fuels and the Rise of Eco Fuels !? The Demise of Corrupt Male Officials and the Rise of Female politicians !?


Blogger dion said...

That’s big symbolism for the War on Terror,…. We don’t believe you,..
Feminine Power coming in.,. and well Hillary Clinton.,. so Watch her kick back at Pluto,… Odd though, for i doubt that,. Delille is more of such the figure,... She could really give the ol Plutocrats a hard time,..

And then look here, the Psychic Symbol for Ceres/Demeter on her Big
Day,… 24th August 2006,.. First day of Virgo with a New Moon, Fancy
that,.. Ceres/Virgo? What less would we expect from the Gods Creation,..

18° Aquarius 318 [Venus]
The masquerade has been long in progress and laughing young ladies at last have forced the final male to unmask.,….

Fats to you Pluto ol buddy,.. relegated to the league of mere asteroide,.. The masquerade is the tale of which planets are who,.. and they dance about their orbits etc,.. the solar system,.. “has been long in

"The young ladies" is the other three asteroids Pallas, Juno and Vesta initially,.. and then I think there is reference to Quaor and the
masquerade/dance,.. the fact that they are laughing, they are resonating clods of iron still vibrating from the knocks they’ve had in their past,… hence a message here, that they do indeed stir us here op die aarde,… groot bliksim se ding,…

See the whole thing is as we are finding more kuiperbelt objects nowadays, and lots of
them,.. since the ’92 ’93 Neptune Uranus Conjunction, we Got Bigger
Telescopes, And Bigger Hard Drives,.. And Bigger Processors,.. We can essentially Process more observations,….

Hence our need to re-classify, what exactly is a planet,…
Yes, and notice how most of the recent discoveries have been named after female goddess’s,.. hard core rage chicks in the last few Xena, Quaor,
Sedna, who gets her fingers cut off by her father as he,… I think we
need a link to that myth,.. Whay cool story,… take a bite out of Tarantino,… http://www.karmastrology.com/Sedna-myth.shtml

18° Aquarius 318 [Venus]
The Solar system has been flipping long in progress and buzzing
Asteroids at last have forced the Pluto to step down.,….

I think the “At last “ bit, is the dent that is indicating, that this is indeed an event,..
Like the scam,.. Pluto is Smaller than our moon,… did you know that
1730km radius of the Moon to a Pluto rock at 1137km it's supposed moon Charon, no not the Arial,.. or Chenney,….Croney, more like it, is more than half his size at 593km diameter,…

This is a big day then,.. Pluto the Rock Posing as a Planet has been put in his place,….. we can move on in our understanding,.. this moves beyond quantum physics,.. these are comic book years 2000+,….

Xena 2003 UB313, is in fact 1350km in radius,… Bigger than Pluto Baby at 1137km,..

So cheers to Pluto, the +-560 year orbit of UB313 out wits him by far,..

Lets hope the Women don’t turn out to be the Ultimate Mobsters,.. they
always are at the back end of those alien movies !?,… A point we should not easily pass over,..
Keep your eyes focused on the bosom there guys,.. no,…. they’re not hypnotized,..

Hell hanging out with the Plutoinans !?,..

The term is Kuiperbelt object,.. Dwarf Planet if you like,… and ,..
yes,.. we are going to be seeing A Lot More of them in the next few years,..

So watch Pluto’s Rank tumble,… almost as if he falls backward into the abyss himself,.. From whence thy came, so ye return,..


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