Orenburg Region Army Base Munitions Explosion,..
Where,.. "DALLAS, Texas (AP) -- Flaming debris rained onto a busy highway during a series of explosions at a gas facility near the city's dense downtown area, rattling windows and buildings blocks away."
I thought it was a great one as Leo Sun with Moon Jupiter in Sagittary passing the bottom of the sky,. Jupiter literally being expansion,. a gas planet? Mars top of the sky, South Node Virgo rising,. Great event map,.
So here we have a new kaboom moment to map, which i thought might be fun, which i already read already they have found the smoking gun bad apple soldier responsible for the incident ;) Like Munitions 101 is not, to not smoke in the munitions area!?..
Why i originally thought, 'oooh juicy map', was there was a great trine the day around about's i knew was coming up,. Moon Mars Uranus in early Fire signs,.
Uranus Aries, which was Fukushima,.
Mars Sagittarius which is Putins new Judo ranking,. [for instance],.
and Moon in Leo,.. which i have not checked out there as yet,. actually!? could well be,. as Mars Sagittary would be Julian Assange of late,. then Moon in Leo would be that ghastly CIA hodgepodge poor hypnotized industry slave girl, Lady Gag ..ag... gargle, i need a drink,... just a sec,..
Sooo,. yes,. lets get a pic of that,.
That is for the Moon rising after midnight that evening,. See the Moon in between Mars at 2 Sag and Uranus on 7 Aries,.
That sky shows fairly well how much influence foreign funding is having on opposition politics in Russia,. Russia is having to deal with, and is well close to a ponzi globalist Balkan Spring surprise itself actually if you note perhaps what a stink has been raised about the apparently 'home grown' riot has been going on of late,.. Seems its game on for Russia recently, regardless of this blast having a zeeero conspiracy rating, well other than said handsome soldier boy who tosses his smoke into .. ah come on, i can't even repeat such stupid lies,..
Ok,. so yes, many hours later there is a rather explosive set of weighty planetary members planets lined up,.. Nice that the Moon is involved for she is really a quick roller in the sky, hence her 'rulership' over journeys,. Oh, and the said munitions were being transported?,. and three?,. yeap triangle, i read that right, Moon, Mars and big bad Uranus,. Each train cart all fresh in their own fire signs each,. Ke!? Are those the detonations then? one in each cart,. That's actually a great show of planets,. Hmm problem is the 'trine' arrangement is in the future,. If you look at the event chart 13h00, Moon is still late Cancer 28 degrees,. So we got 4 to get to Mars,. That's loosely 4 months,. We got 2 to change signs, hmm December 2012,. then 2 to pass Mars, February 2013,.. 3 and shes rising, May 2013 and another two and that's the Uranus trolley, July 2013,.. Uranus would indicate radio detonation by the way,. or 'wireless',. That's pretty rad a weapon for 'dr. evils' lab i'd say,. A, detonate anybody elses weapons machine,.. Gnarly indeed,..
Otherwise, all that a quick stab could initially find was that Moon Jupiter in Sag position in the Dallas explosion was in fact rising in this event chart, Antares, an explosive part of the sky indeed,.. Mars has just risen and is the very powerful Gauquelin sector just above the eastern horizon there, Sun at the top of the sky 73 days/degrees away from the ever looming December the 21st 2012,.. That's a perfect pentagon angle yes!? Incredible, 5th harmonic relationship to Mayan prophecy date,.. Sun is trine to Jupiter,.. Jupiter which generally does make a good showing as you can well see in rather large, and/or well reported explosions is exactly setting,. Another regularly potent position,. The shock wave which spread so far horizontally,.. And dare i allude further,. 7th house setting is ones enemies,. Jupiter would well be the crown of England and her ragtag USrAel posse,.
That Moon is going into the 9th hse of that chart so the action literally is to be expected from a long distance, pointing to what a calamity the Americans are making through their various inroads into the East,..
Again,. Moon into Leo is 2 degrees away,. that's 2 months in progressed time,.. That's December 2012,. Is 'the end of the world' considered a war? Well i suppose,. the end of anything is performed by a marring,.. Mars,. God of war,. just flip that w eh!? So perhaps it might, goodness knows, Macondo and Fukushima events have brought us very much closer to a 'limited resources' reality and we all know that that means someone is probably going to go for a quick last grab,.. Heck, China and Japan are arguing over a rocky outcrop,...
RFID, if successfully pushed on our kids, will be considered commonplace by their kids, in 3 generations we are potentially looking like a Monsanto corn cob, unable to do anything but what the technocrat allows us,..
Where,.. "DALLAS, Texas (AP) -- Flaming debris rained onto a busy highway during a series of explosions at a gas facility near the city's dense downtown area, rattling windows and buildings blocks away."
I thought it was a great one as Leo Sun with Moon Jupiter in Sagittary passing the bottom of the sky,. Jupiter literally being expansion,. a gas planet? Mars top of the sky, South Node Virgo rising,. Great event map,.
So here we have a new kaboom moment to map, which i thought might be fun, which i already read already they have found the smoking gun bad apple soldier responsible for the incident ;) Like Munitions 101 is not, to not smoke in the munitions area!?..
Why i originally thought, 'oooh juicy map', was there was a great trine the day around about's i knew was coming up,. Moon Mars Uranus in early Fire signs,.
Uranus Aries, which was Fukushima,.
Mars Sagittarius which is Putins new Judo ranking,. [for instance],.
and Moon in Leo,.. which i have not checked out there as yet,. actually!? could well be,. as Mars Sagittary would be Julian Assange of late,. then Moon in Leo would be that ghastly CIA hodgepodge poor hypnotized industry slave girl, Lady Gag ..ag... gargle, i need a drink,... just a sec,..
Sooo,. yes,. lets get a pic of that,.
That is for the Moon rising after midnight that evening,. See the Moon in between Mars at 2 Sag and Uranus on 7 Aries,.
That sky shows fairly well how much influence foreign funding is having on opposition politics in Russia,. Russia is having to deal with, and is well close to a ponzi globalist Balkan Spring surprise itself actually if you note perhaps what a stink has been raised about the apparently 'home grown' riot has been going on of late,.. Seems its game on for Russia recently, regardless of this blast having a zeeero conspiracy rating, well other than said handsome soldier boy who tosses his smoke into .. ah come on, i can't even repeat such stupid lies,..
Ok,. so yes, many hours later there is a rather explosive set of weighty planetary members planets lined up,.. Nice that the Moon is involved for she is really a quick roller in the sky, hence her 'rulership' over journeys,. Oh, and the said munitions were being transported?,. and three?,. yeap triangle, i read that right, Moon, Mars and big bad Uranus,. Each train cart all fresh in their own fire signs each,. Ke!? Are those the detonations then? one in each cart,. That's actually a great show of planets,. Hmm problem is the 'trine' arrangement is in the future,. If you look at the event chart 13h00, Moon is still late Cancer 28 degrees,. So we got 4 to get to Mars,. That's loosely 4 months,. We got 2 to change signs, hmm December 2012,. then 2 to pass Mars, February 2013,.. 3 and shes rising, May 2013 and another two and that's the Uranus trolley, July 2013,.. Uranus would indicate radio detonation by the way,. or 'wireless',. That's pretty rad a weapon for 'dr. evils' lab i'd say,. A, detonate anybody elses weapons machine,.. Gnarly indeed,..
Otherwise, all that a quick stab could initially find was that Moon Jupiter in Sag position in the Dallas explosion was in fact rising in this event chart, Antares, an explosive part of the sky indeed,.. Mars has just risen and is the very powerful Gauquelin sector just above the eastern horizon there, Sun at the top of the sky 73 days/degrees away from the ever looming December the 21st 2012,.. That's a perfect pentagon angle yes!? Incredible, 5th harmonic relationship to Mayan prophecy date,.. Sun is trine to Jupiter,.. Jupiter which generally does make a good showing as you can well see in rather large, and/or well reported explosions is exactly setting,. Another regularly potent position,. The shock wave which spread so far horizontally,.. And dare i allude further,. 7th house setting is ones enemies,. Jupiter would well be the crown of England and her ragtag USrAel posse,.
That Moon is going into the 9th hse of that chart so the action literally is to be expected from a long distance, pointing to what a calamity the Americans are making through their various inroads into the East,..
Again,. Moon into Leo is 2 degrees away,. that's 2 months in progressed time,.. That's December 2012,. Is 'the end of the world' considered a war? Well i suppose,. the end of anything is performed by a marring,.. Mars,. God of war,. just flip that w eh!? So perhaps it might, goodness knows, Macondo and Fukushima events have brought us very much closer to a 'limited resources' reality and we all know that that means someone is probably going to go for a quick last grab,.. Heck, China and Japan are arguing over a rocky outcrop,...
RFID, if successfully pushed on our kids, will be considered commonplace by their kids, in 3 generations we are potentially looking like a Monsanto corn cob, unable to do anything but what the technocrat allows us,..
Imagine the Sun itself was 'Dr. Evil's hypothetical machine mentioned above, it's storms effecting RF signals that would detonate warheads lying in their lairs,.
As this new Solar Cycle threatens to be of less intensity, perhaps we can afford a direct hit or two to clean out all those 'evil' peoples munitions,.
Ah the life and times of a weapons sales rep, a proponent of killing,..
aka MAD
You have showed great perseverance behind the blog. It's been enriched since the beginning. I love to share to with my friends. Carry on.
Thanks for the encouragement, it is a tough call whether to publish or not, one can appear as if a 'crank' rather quickly in this climate, i often need to bite my tongue, which as i grow older is also a good thing,..
But yes,. many an apparently unrelated event actually relating these days,..
Thanks for the support,.
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