Japan Earthquake Rattles World's Largest Nuclear Power Plant,...
Japan Probes Reports of Second "Nuclear Leak"
Barrels with nuclear waste have overturned during the quake and some of their lids were found open, although it was not immediately clear whether any of the waste spilled out, the BBC reported.
It was not immediately clear, whether any of the waste spilled out,…
What the heck kinda reporting is that,.. Party line pushers,...

Sun into Leo of this chart,... March 2014
Moon into Scorpio by then Trine Mercury in Cancer And Uranus in Pisces,.. If this isn't Radiation/Uranium/Mercury Poisoned waters, then i don't know anymore,..
Cancer Guys,.. all welcome and embrace our next Plague,...

2022/23 is the Mars Square Saturn,. Must look for that for Mars be in Earth sign here,. which be this force in tht earth,.. then when he squares, Crackatoa!..
And Fancy that, Moon Opposite to her Venus Recently Ret early Virgo Rising,.. Such Catchy timings,..

Onto 2025 with Moon Trine Sun Trine Jupiter,. and look at that beaut,.. 10 10 10,. Fire signs,.. yumm,. Nice and Crisp,..

It was not immediately clear, whether any of the waste spilled out,…
What the heck kinda reporting is that,.. Party line pushers,...

Sun into Leo of this chart,... March 2014
Moon into Scorpio by then Trine Mercury in Cancer And Uranus in Pisces,.. If this isn't Radiation/Uranium/Mercury Poisoned waters, then i don't know anymore,..
Cancer Guys,.. all welcome and embrace our next Plague,...

2022/23 is the Mars Square Saturn,. Must look for that for Mars be in Earth sign here,. which be this force in tht earth,.. then when he squares, Crackatoa!..
And Fancy that, Moon Opposite to her Venus Recently Ret early Virgo Rising,.. Such Catchy timings,..

Onto 2025 with Moon Trine Sun Trine Jupiter,. and look at that beaut,.. 10 10 10,. Fire signs,.. yumm,. Nice and Crisp,..

Moon to Venus into Virgo,...
Venus opposite Uranus Neptune,..
Venus recently trine Pluto trine Saturn,...
This action indicates action in the next 11months,.. well thats Moon to Virgo,..
5 months Moon to Saturn,..
Sun 12th to Saturn in 3months,..
Sun into Leo 5 an a Quarter Years,..
But all in all,.. this Venus Retro Grade it mentions,..
This Saturn into Virgo,. it mentions More of,...
Watch this space,..
Scorched Earth Policy,...
this is a disturbing horoscope,.. for it's future implications,..
Japans Flag,.. Big Red Circle,.. Sun to Leo,.. Solar, Big Red Circle,..
White space,. Flash,..
Japans fate in this modern time!?
Saturn Virgo,..
Food Supplies are becoming Tainted,... Fish,..
We were simply victims of Astigmatism,...
Suns Symbolic degrees over that time,..
2020- 7 The night heavens are seen in their wonder, as on the desert when the moon is dark; the constellations are at play.
2021- 8 A man of mean and low appearance, but with the burning fire of a great cause in his eyes, is stirring up discontent.
2022- 9 In a scene of weird display and brilliant colors, glass-blowers produce one-by-one the marvels of their craft.
2023- 10 Everywhere there is a sparkle and nature is revealed in pastel colors; the early morning dew salutes the sunlight.
2024- 11 Beneath a huge oak, which holds back the rising heat of noon, some children potter at their games in a great swing.
2025 12 Japanese lanterns, music from a string ensemble & an animated interweaving of colorful figures mark a garden party.
A huge Oak tree !? –Oaks are known for their ability to withstand EM radiation,.. of interest,.. But yes,. “In a scene of weird display and brilliant colors” for our Mars Square Saturn Scene,..
Neer we miss the Japanese Lanterns,. Chinese Fireworks,.. Our Nostalgia is crammed with Red East Explosion Imagery,..
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