Teen jailed for TB denied having disease, officials say

Teen jailed for TB denied having disease, officials say, the Art of Astrology - World Interest"/>
World interest events through the horoscopic lens,...
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Saturn into Virgo,. Is the Obvious Business Pharmaceuticals,…
Pluto into Capricorn,. Is the Grip, Big Pharmacies Have been extending over the planet,..
So 2008 is More of that,.. Saturn Into Virgo in tandem there,.. is actually more like this Martial Law stuff you hear them Talking about,… The Sun passing over Saturns next years turf, is showing up what lay behind there,.. Every time early Virgo is touched,…
Jupiter Passing into the Pluto Neptune Uranus Band could be a serious period,...
For Jupiter is Liberty,.. And Them 3 Are the Greater Malefics,...
So this Martial/Sharia Law we see being threatened,.. this could be the spark period,..
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