Sporting Heart Attacks on the rise, Cesium-137 from Fukushima the culprit?, the Art of Astrology - World Interest"/>

22 January 2013

Sporting Heart Attacks on the rise, Cesium-137 from Fukushima the culprit?

Forgive me for randomly perhaps joining the dots here, also, obviously 'performance enhancers' are a big thing in sports nowadays, yet funnily enough, not even a 'heavy user' like Lance Armstrong suffered any coronary defects, so as such, i am going to continue along this avenue for now,. It is known that Radioactive Cesium-137 heads straight for the heart muscles,. As does Iodine-131 for the thyroid gland,. Plutonium for liver and bones,.

Fukushima burns to this day and perhaps anyone could have noticed that since the greatest industrial accident of all time has been fouling the planet daily with its radioactive stew,. Yes, that perhaps athletes the world over seem to be dropping from heart attacks at a rate not seen before? Apparently the MSM wishes us to 'two and two' the facts together that it is indeed sporting itself nowadays that causes heart attacks,. Weren't we led to believe prior decades that sporting strengthened the heart, like certain margarine's perhaps?

As if the lies aren't enough, nowadays our peeps at the MSM outlets would have us swallow the spin that it is indeed "radio-phobia that kills people, not radiation itself",. Go figure! ...along with the Orwellian technocratic concepts that 'War is Peace' and 'Freedom is Slavery', whew the future is so looking up,..

Here in South Africa we just had an Iron Man event where two participants had Heart Attacks,. Which led me to post the chart for that day as really i have been wanting to post along these lines for some time now,..


Assuming what to find in the skies for such a day, interest is in the aspects the Moon makes over the day,. We would expect Hard 90/180deg aspects with Mars for 'injury' and Uranus for 'radiation', Also Scorpio perhaps as X-rays/fatalities themselves and Leo-Aquarius for the heart Axis,..

Looking through the course of the days sky then, lo and behold Moon in Taurus, opposite Scorpio, Sun into Aquarius, opposite the heart, Leo,.. Aquarius incidentally the sign for 'Iron man', Clark Kent and the deadly 'Kryptonite' itself, ruled classically in astrology by Saturn-Lead/Uranus-Uranium,.. Uranus in Aries, Mars it's 'ruler', in Aquarius, Saturn-Uranus ruled,.. Saturn actually in Scorpio with Mars the ruler there as well, so that's 'Mutual receptions' all round for our Mars/Athlete in Aquarius,.
Hard aspects 45/90/180 Moon to Mars and Uranus,. Placing Uranus at the top of the sky we can literally see it as it as the mid between the Moon and Mars,. Mars being sportsmen themselves and Uranus in Aries being an 84yr position that touched first into Aries to within a day of the Industrial disaster Fukushima still is,..!? and well,... err, there they are for all to see?..

Do read below the set of recent links scuffled up from that foul and untrustworthy internet ;-) really, do have a look, sports persons are really having a hard time heart wise of late,. Too there is documentation layman's and expert on what's going on with Cesium-137 in relation to the Heart,..

A comment from one of the pages visited puts it simply,..
"The point about the heart attacks. Heart attacks were the leading cause of death among Chernobyl workers in the aftermath. The reason for this is that cesium is not only radioactive, but it goes into the muscle tissue where it accumulates. This is the reason heart attacks will become more frequent and cesium's affect on muscle tissue and its accumulation is well known. "

Unfortunately folks, as per Eskom's nuclear plans, Thyspunt SA,. There is huge money in Nuclear energy and these boys ain't gonna take no for an answer, Politicians will be paid off ;-) Researchers will deem it safe ;-) Ecologists will say it is cleaner than coal ;-) Yadda yadda, it's desperately needed ;-) All paid industry shills singing in chorus,.
.....and the MSM? well the papers and press are all owned by you know who!! The same big corporations at the end of the day :-(

So really, believe the powers that be at your own peril,. Do read further regards below,..

Deceased Ironman athletes were 'healthy'

Runners suffered heart attacks in the Boston Marathon in April, the Myrtle Beach, S.C., Marathon in February, the New York and Philadelphia marathons last November and the Chicago Marathon last October.

35-year-old male runner died close to the finish line after nearly completing the Kaiser Permanente San Francisco half-marathon. Bay Area resident Peter Hass had been running for two hours when he collapsed. Jeffrey Lee, 21, died after crossing the finish line in the half-marathon.

G. Chris Gleason, of Clifton Park, N.Y., collapsed about a quarter-mile from the finish line. Gleason, 40, was pronounced dead of an apparent heart attack, race officials said, at the same hospital.

A total of 42 runners suffered a fatal heart attack in 2011 and then reported two marathon runners died.

Study: Cesium-137 immediately damages the heart muscle — Not slow-acting


Italian footballer suffers fatal heart attack on pitch

Fabrice Muamba Heart Attack: Bolton Soccer Player 'In Effect' Dead For 78 Minutes, Says Doctor

The frightening frequency of heart attacks in soccer

Utah State athlete talks about surviving heart attack



Blogger dion said...

Radiation levels rise for 5th month straight in Fukushima city

This thing just ain't going away,..

Blogger dion said...

Radiation levels nearly doubled in Fukushima soil sample over 5-month period

And this from early last year already,..

Blogger dion said...

Google Trends shows more and more Japanese searching the words “Heart” and “Hurt”

Blogger dion said...

"Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge filmed a brown bear suddenly die running uphill.

No details are attached to the video, but apparently it was filmed in 2013.

The reason of the death is not clear. The description of the video writes the bear had a heart attack."


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