Unbelievable! Most Internet Traffic is Fake!
People really need to be alerted to the future,. You need to read all these links,..
What's real and what's not are diverging pretty much as fast as the money supply has expanded since the US Fed started embarking on QE Quantative Easing aka World Zimbawefication,..
What's real and what's not are diverging pretty much as fast as the money supply has expanded since the US Fed started embarking on QE Quantative Easing aka World Zimbawefication,..
How does this affect me/you? WHy should i care at all?..
Becaus ewhen you see Pick and Pay for instance or Checkers or Wollies have 20k Likes or 'Friends on FaceBook,..
Pfffft,. lucky if a quarter of that is real people,.
This is all fake internet hits and likes all to do with makeing you as a consumer believe there is some super thing out there that you need to go spend your hard earned money on because yeah, everyone else is so suuuper keen on it,.
It's all fake generated hits, likes etc etc,.. And you are the goat, the sheep and the lamb being led into the store to mindlessly participate in the scheme,..
Take control of your life, let go of the consumer reality capitalist model, enjoy the people in your life, the experiences in your life, they are real and time is limited in actuality,.. No photos will bring any experience back into the actual real flesh,..
You are worth it,. and world capitalism certainly knows that ;-)
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