Massive Pipeline Explosion Near Milford, Texas; Entire Town Being Evacuated, the Art of Astrology - World Interest"/>

14 November 2013

Massive Pipeline Explosion Near Milford, Texas; Entire Town Being Evacuated

Every day in the New Normal, it is either a mass shooting or an explosion in some pipeline or crude-carrying train. Moments ago, a pipeline in Texas exploded in a massive fireball and has prompted the evacuation of the nearby town of Milford.

And how many big explosions have we got now with Moon in Aries with Uranus or in any Fire sign for that matter?.. Phenomenal stuff!.. Fukushima gone viral more like it,..

Heliocentrically Jupiter is currently squaring off with the Uranus Pluto Squaring which will itself square off 23rd November side of the world,..

As if, as much as you pretend, the world speaks through syncopation,. Like when the plant just drops right out from under them as in these recent industrial disasters,. This rattly old revolutionary tin can industrial machine might just be rattling to fever pitch and if anything, the doc says it might be china syndrome,.


Blogger dion said...

This is all in line with Mayan thinking,. That of long term Novelty Habit wave cycles,.. 72 years from Otto Hahn's first splitting of the atom, one degree of precessional measure,...
'Lord' helps us a new Novelty arrive in great haste,. Mind you, financial cycles having recently seen massive Habitual neglect and or abuse, Looking at the new Novelty event financially and its clearly electronic money as federal reserves the planet share affection for ctrl-p,.. Currency shifting form again from one medium to the next,. Electronic currency the next grand monetary Novelty event,.

My big tip since TEPCO went down in history, was to watch Robotics perhaps for the new Industrial Novelty event,. The future is contaminated at this rate surely,. Only machines can effectively work in future conditions at these rates,.

The cheek of holding 'climate change' conferences when BP escapes all responsibility for Macondo, in fact they haplessly spewed further toxins into the ocean,.. TEPCO sit in Tokyo while Yakusa run the show,.. Make the big Co's pay!..

Save us the phoney 'save the planet' conferences and taxes,.. Big Corps must stop polluting the biosphere today!.. In dust realisation,.. ...and it was written there for all to see,.. Kinda like Japan's flag, red spot, white out,.  Luckily for us, South Africa's flag looks somewhat like Supermans jockstrap as he flies past one horizontally,.. Hopefully we're like protected,..

Blogger dion said...

between November 19 and 24.

Wikileaks has released a 95 page, 30,000 word document spelling out details on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). The secret globalist agreement will have a significant effect on a wide range of issues including internet freedom, medicine, patents, and civil liberties. The cabal will meet in Salt Lake, Utah, between November 19 and 24. The draft text for the TPP Intellectual ...


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