jamaican-high-school-closes-due-to-demonic-possession, the Art of Astrology - World Interest"/>

13 February 2013


"The pastors said dem feel the evil spirit all over the school so they called the school population to an assembly. In the middle of assembly, suddenly out of the ceiling, a bird's head, cut off from the bird, drop down inna the middle of the assembly. It was chaos after that," a source who witnessed the incident said. 



Circled in pink we have Moon Pluto in Capricorn at the top of the sky as 'Birds severed head fallen from rooftop',.. Note this is the Abyss that swarms of locusts fly out of if you look at Pluto Capricorn Xmas 2007, Stars fallen out of skies etc,. Revelations 9 stuff that we have mentioned before,.
In green you can see Venus, the girl with the troubled Uranus in Aries and recently turned direct Jupiter in Gemini,.. So we can see the influence this girl is under for instance,.
Then in Red Mercury Mars and Neptune in Pisces,. Classic stuff!! Pisces the whole underworld, Mars Mercury Neptune being the manifestations from the nether regions as such,..
Now if i weren't to give the story any credence,.. Considering that Mercury is the Trickster and is about to turn backwards, hmmm,. Pisces,. Hmmm,. Mars present,.. Hmmm, Neptune, culture and religion,..
In many ways we can see the girls sibling/peer group and how a boy, Mars, peergroup member, Mercury,. Would be the source of these 'manifestations',..

First thing i would say about Venus is that it looks like she has made her mind up,. Uranus, Jupiter,. Freedom goals,. Hers,. Personally,.. It's very much like the kids running riot within the adult worlds frameworks psychological regalia,.

Else it's back to demons running amok the planet over, me lord, one sure hopes not,.

Then again there does seem to be some sort of Mercury Mars Neptune Piscean riot going on at this stage, what with Ingo Swanns death being a definite initial candidate of the planetary arrangement here,..

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