Wild start to 2011, Regards the latest news on the 13th Zodiac sign Ophiuchus vel Serpentarius, Magnetic Field Fading 2011 - UPDATE, Magnetic Field Fading 2011, the Art of Astrology - World Interest"/>

21 January 2011

Wild start to 2011

Right, three topics to get through this week. The solution to the dead animals is in a new hydraulic mining process for natural gas that has been pushing production targets over the last two years. "Hydraulic Fracking" they call it. If you read up regards you will find how residents have been complaining for years regards methane in their tap water and tremors of increasing severity. Literally right in the places the animals have been passing. You have to research a little to discover regards as the oil industry obviously pressurizes the media through advertising spending lending to most folks still believing a medley of fireworks, rotten grapes, cold winds, magnetic fields etcetera killed these animals en masse.

Then we have Jupiter into Aries part two of June July August of 2010. So all those who were really on the trot back then, expect the pony to ride again shortly. In this case its more like a Stallion and boy it's going to gallop. So we can truly expect a stunning 24thJanuary through 06th June. I am muzzled regards what all to expect in it's entirety. Lets just say, we saw it all coming and well, we had our chances. For the mums out there, this should be a great time of liberation, if, the big if, if you are able to play it as cool as possible. Really, as with stallion riding, this fever can get way out of hand. Absolute frustration can tear your good motives apart leaving rebellion and revolution in their wake. So as with last year there is plenty frustration about and boy is it going to move mountains for you if you work it without being seen to be part of the change. So yes, a time now ahead, blistering, lets make it count.
Regards the latest news on the 13th Zodiac sign Ophiuchus.
This is in a place between Scorpio and Sagittarius a very dark place in the sky indeed, Between Lawyers and Judges, all that they know, have access to and can act upon.
Regards the story that all ones zodiac signs are a whole sign out, lets explain what has been on the go all this time. As westerners we follow what is termed Geocentric Astrology. Our 12 x 30 day month calendar follows the Suns course through the seasons, it is basically a farming calendar telling us when seasons start and end, basic survival stuff.
Behind this is the backdrop of starry constellations. These are not perfectly 30 days or degrees in arc length, so this has always been an issue. Eastern Astrology caters more for this through the practice of what is termed Sidereal Astrology, following the starry constellations and not the Geocentric Equinocal points.
First of all, 2012 and precession of the equinoxes, procession of the equinoxes lends toward a 72yrs per degree slip in accuracy between the 22 March, the first day of spring and the first degree of Aries, currently we are on +-24 degrees or days of slippage.
So yes, your Geocentric Zodiac Sign is out by around 24 days versus the starry constellations Sidereal Astrology. Then further, any geocentric zodiac type before 24 degrees of its sign is actually in the previous starry constellation. These we have known and factored in all this time.
These are massive periods of time known as epochs and the world in epoch measures moves so slowly, as in trends that become entrenched into the fabric of our society one barely notices them anymore. We are in the age of Pisces now and have 6 degrees before we enter the age of Aquarius as such.
Pisces is the fishes yes? Note all the fishes on peoples cars, the christian symbol of the fish. Jesus said we did not have to make animal sacrifices, that was the epoch before of Aries the ram and bloodletting.
Aquarius is wireless communication, so hence this move from religion to wireless society, the radio, tv, cell phone, internet, all signs of the dawning of the Aquarian age.
I promise, from the most down to earth point of view, any good astrologer would have factored it in whilst chatting with you, nothing to see here, just more spin and hype.

the Art of Astrology,.

Regards the latest news on the 13th Zodiac sign Ophiuchus vel Serpentarius

Regards the latest news on the 13th Zodiac sign Ophiuchus vel Serpentarius
This is in a place between Scorpio and Sagittarius a very dark place in the sky indeed, Between Lawyers and Judges, all that they know and can act upon,..

Off the net we find,...
* Ophiuchus means the interpreter of dreams
* Seeker of wisdom and knowledge
* Person born in Ophiuchus will have a great family but have to leave the home at early age.
* Attract good luck
* Visionary
* Like the clothes of bright color especially plaid.
* A great architect or builder

I paste my long winded copy here i wrote for a local news reportage,..

There are a lot of rumours of late regards all ones zodiac signs being a whole sign out, so lets explain what has been on the go all this time. As westerners we follow what is termed geocentric Astrology.

Our 12 x 30 day months, this calendar follows the Suns course through the seasons, it is basically a farming calendar telling us when seasons start and end.

Underneath this is the backdrop of starry constellations. These are not perfectly 30 days or degrees in arc length, so this has always been an issue in throwing the public with a basic calendar that has equal days in weeks months etc,. It is simply easier to implement over massive periods of time,.

Far Eastern Religions and Cultures have always been a little looser in their regular support for Babylon, so hence their streams of Astrology cater more for this through the practice of what is termed Sidereal Astrology, following the starry constellations, not the seasons as experienced here on earth,...

First of all, 2012 and precession of the equinoxes,.. Procession of the equinoxes lends toward a 72yrs per degree slip in accuracy between the 22 March and the First degree of Aries, Currently we are on +-24 degrees or days of slippage,.

So yes, your Geocentric Zodiac Sign is out by around 24 days versus Sidereal Astrology,....

Then further, any geocentric zodiac type before 24 degrees of its sign is actually in the previous starry constellation.

This is a massive factor, in time, we call them epochs and the world in epoch measures moves so slowly, its like trends that become entrenched into the fabric of our society one barely notices them anymore,.. We are in the age of Pisces currently and have 72 yrs. x 6 degrees before we enter the age of Aquarius as such.

Pisces is the fishes yes? Note all the fishes on peoples cars,. the christian symbol,.. the fish,..

Aquarius is wireless communication,. so hence this move from religion to wireless society,. the radio,. the tv,. the cell phone,. the internet,..
We can see the age of Aquarius dawning all around us quite literally,..

This is all catered for in modern astrology already,. any good practitioner factors all this in,.. For instance as with WTC September 11th in 2001, there is a star back there around 11 of September,. well in 72yrs time it will be around 10th September yes!?, called Denebola, it is a Leo constellation star, it is the star in the lions tail,. The brash lion, so it is a disaster star,. truly it is,..

So yes, in our epoch it is found in the Geocentric sign Virgo, at 19degrees Virgo to be exact. John F Kenedy had his Moon at birth on 19degrees Virgo,.. FACT

The Titanics first launch saw Denebola rising over the eastern horizon as teh even t took place,... OUCH

This star deals with "mismanagement form a distance" and near on every modern astrologer factors such stars into their calculations [i sincerely hope] as they are of such obvious effect.

As for Ophiuchus, 'the serpent bearer', there is actually Ariadne 'the Spider' as well, exactly opposite between Gemini and Taurus. This one bears more weight if you ask me even more mystery and intrigue,..

Uri Geller displays a tight grouping of planets there, we all know Uri as the chap who could bend spoons with his mind, he could influence folks to fix their watches over tv and the likes,..An obviously odd skill set.

So yes, An Arian in our age has Piscean stars, the Aquarian has Capricorn stars, but really it is all factored into a good Astrologers delineations and is no great mystery or anything NEW at all,.. Its always been like this and we even see its effect in the weather.

If anything there are 14 zodiac types, some schools follow many more, so it is actually a case of keeping to simplicity, a simple farming calendar.

I was born Mid Summer for instance and bear those personality traits, including those of the Stars behind me,.. Spring likewise and so forth. So yes, very interesting, but been around since time began if one knows ones stuff regards.

Chat privately with Dion on this if you like via any of the below,..

Cell: +27 82 745 3078
E-mail: dionvanzyl@saol.com
http: dion786.blogspot.com
Skype: Dion786, South Africa.
Gtalk: Dion786
Msn: Dion-786@hotmail.com
Twitter: Dion786

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Magnetic Field Fading 2011 - UPDATE



Amazing,.. literally the oil industry finds a great method of getting gas out the ground,.. Great for them alone,. everyone else suffers,. see YouTube regards folks lighting their running tap water,. I mean,. ludicrous,. the more you search the topic the more you see how many years residents have been complaining about this Hydraulic Fracking mining process,..

So no wonder the newsfeed just died on this story,.. Big Money means more than our ecosystem folks,.. Ouch,..

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11 January 2011

Magnetic Field Fading 2011

Re: Mass death of birds/fish
« Reply #154 - on: Today at 03:49 [UT+0] » Quote Modify Remove
Quote from Sonja on Yesterday at 21:57 [UT+0]:
The best explanation I found so far is in the commentary at the National Geographic site -- a response goes into the change in the earth's magnetic field, notes that birds navigate w/sensitivity to magnetism -- when the magnetic component changes they lose sense of direction. (This my simplification)

I'm big on the Mayan End of Days phenom -- especially since it apparently tracks the precession cycle (starting w/the galactic plane @ 0 Tropical Capricorn) ... when the earth's axis more or less parallels the Galactic Plane, meaning to me, the magnetic alignment (north pole &c) plus magnetic strength and the other arcane parameters that define terrestial magnetism change due to extraterrestial forces

12,900 years ago, when Galactic Plane was conjuncted by cancer solstice, the Black Mat in the geological record which 'documented' the great Extinction of the American MegaFauna ...

Dion786 responds,...

For the first time i might actually agree, it makes sense the way you put it,. that when the two poles [ours and the galactic] no longer experience antagonism in their fields, [antagonism which acts as a location vector] that then, yes, a slippage or a roll could occur,..
Of great interest, thanks for that Sonja,..

Basically put then,. we are on the verge of the polar shift here? What with actual animals loosing their bearing!? [if so,. what are our time targets here regards - heliocentric Jupiter opp Saturn is coming up - with Pluto Uranus aspects making it a fairly big one]

I couldn't help reflecting on Albanian/Tunisian rioting conditions and the suicides taking place there,. as if the folks were turning into zombies,. i.e. loosing their bearing!?!?!? I have often dreamt of these times as a youngster,.. Gravity over the next few years could subtly start to lift if such dreams were correct,.. Regular coherence would loosen leaving some folks at a cognizant loss,..

Now how reflective is the wikileaks drop in terms of all this,. the gridlock of world established information, flipping, rolling over, as the leaks flow,.. Making folks literally loose their diplomatic minds,..

All connected,.. Very good,. Thanks for that Sonja,...

...........Actually, looking over the period as the Sun transits the Galactic center and the Solstice point this last while then,.. Literally the Albanian madness of suicides was as the Sun was passing this patch,.

Mercury Retro over Mars in Capricorn,..
Capricorn being the established mantle of the earth,. the tower,.
Mars being the Iron, magnetic north,..
Mercury being the reversal or slipping,..

Mars exhalt in Capricorn,. kinda like saying matter loves a strong north pole to stay stable in this environment,..

One can add Pluto in and see the deeper tectonic forces at play, but that could already be covered by Capricorn,.

Also note,. the Birds started falling on the Moon Venus Scorpio conjunction,..
Scorpio,. Magnetic,..
Venus,.. Copper - no magnetism .......... hence slippage!?

Mayans were big on Venus eclipse cycle of the sun 125yrs apart then occurring twice over 8yrs,. 2004 and 2012 the current spate,.. We have already seen the Mississippi flooding as in the history of this eclipse cycle so it is obviously active,..

Moon to Venus there could be telling or a sort of trigger for the Mercury retro Mars activity,.. Obviously within the whole long term Pluto Uranus Saturn Jupiter constellated pattern at present,..

Surely in retrospect many commentators might admit,. there is more 'alignment' in our planets now than in dec 2012,. that possibly being simply the solar/earth/galactic synch period,.. This now being the planetary synch for that time?

Surely all this will take a few years to play out and not just in one foul blast,.. So hence we would get these Planetary alignments corresponding loosely through the years span/period,..

Dare i add my own content, but, In my dreams of this time in the past,. there was a definite shift in the minds of man,.. I would always have this dream, we were driving into the city and the car would be loosing traction progressively,. then we would notice how, wow, folks in town were acting rather strange,. then we would realize,. wow, get outta here, don't crash the car, try control it,. for getting stuck here would be as if amidst zombies for mans mind was looosing grip to such extent,.. He could not keep cognizance of regular reality factors/functions as he can when the mag field is stable and strong,..
As it loosened, so too did the field around his head/mind,.. Hence his grip on reality,..

This makes me think of a person i helped as a care giver for a few months many years back,. we took him to the hospital one day,.. He stood up out the car,. i was helping him out and i physically felt this all happen around my space,.. Like a massive magnetic tape eraser, this field passed over him,. like rubbing two opp sides of a magnet passed each other,. that propulsion feeling,. and whammo,. the dude dropped, passed out instantly,...

As if,.. when ones mag orientation fades,. one is smacked out of ones field,. i.e. consciousness is locked in the vessel via electro magnetism,..
the dreams were showing me the same sort of process??, folks leaving their bodies,. but yes, on a slower time format,..

Isn't that what we have always been led to believe,. when the time comes,. we will have a choice,. believe in the physical location of your consciousness,. seated,. a: in the body,. or b: in the cosmos,..
The more you try to clamber onto the vessel,. to stay fixed in your body,. the more insane you will go?,..

Is this what is happening to the fish/birds then? Mass groups of souls departing their bodies,.. literally snapped out their bodies, turning belly up in a second,..

Very interesting,. On a personal note again,.. I am sincerely participating here for i believe we need to get a grip on this, [excuse the pun].. Some folks think i am a controversial member of these forums, it is for my actual sincerity as we approach a time like this and we are here to help folks leave their bodies with ease,.. There will be so much noise,. so much banter, part of it will be the process unfolding so one has to learn to cut out the noise feed,..

As if,. imagine hearing all the cosmos at once, all that radio noise,... Right now we are buffered by the galactic field the solar system field and the earths field,.. when any of those drop,. the noise,. like a screaming bunch of banshees will be apon us,..

Dare i add further personals,.. but,.. as an artist and musician i have been consciously playing my musical instruments daily in an attempt to help keep the field stable since the Macondo event,.. Assuming that on a vibrational level,. if we start singing the choruses now,.. we can hold the tune as the field flips over,. thence holding the loons/masses firm,.. We have always dreamed of the day the earth will be still for a period and the darkness will have to be traversed through story and song, the thread that will hold us to our ancient conciousness as a species,..

I can't help but wonder the sensations over the body one would feel upon seeing such flocks passing away in ones vicinity,...
What a time we are in,..

Take care,..
All the best,..

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