Murdoch phone hacking trial of the century starts,..
Just quickly for records sake,..
Moon Leo would be red head Rebecca brooks,..
Mars Virgo would be Coulson perhaps and or her hubby, mind you they
state he is into race horces so Jupiter would more likely be him,..
Note her trine to Venus in Sagittarius,. Her role in NOW as editor
etc,.. Her pacey rise to fame and Moon Leo her absolute favourite status
in the eyes of Rupert,..
Then Coulson's links to greater mysteries?... Mars opp Neptune,. He
looks like one hella fish to fry,. Lets see who his partners in crime
are,. Neptune Pisces is linked to Saturn Scorpio and Jupiter Cancer, so
that's the British Political scene and ol what's his face, pink cheeks
Just quickly for records sake,..
Moon Leo would be red head Rebecca brooks,..
Mars Virgo would be Coulson perhaps and or her hubby, mind you they
state he is into race horces so Jupiter would more likely be him,..
Note her trine to Venus in Sagittarius,. Her role in NOW as editor
etc,.. Her pacey rise to fame and Moon Leo her absolute favourite status
in the eyes of Rupert,..
Then Coulson's links to greater mysteries?... Mars opp Neptune,. He
looks like one hella fish to fry,. Lets see who his partners in crime
are,. Neptune Pisces is linked to Saturn Scorpio and Jupiter Cancer, so
that's the British Political scene and ol what's his face, pink cheeks
Labels: brooks, coulson, murdoch, neptune, now, pisces, saturn, scorpio