Gas tanks explode in Dallas,.., The Chinese and Singapore governments have become key investors in Barclays,
helping the UK firm to raise its offer for the Dutch bank ABN Amro., Japan Earthquake Rattles World's Largest Nuclear Power Plant,...
Japan Probes Reports of Second "Nuclear Leak", Lord Black of Crossharbour, Corrupt media tycoon faces 20 years’ jail, A car bomb planted in central London would have caused "carnage" if it had exploded, police say., Founder of Iraq Oil Workers Union Rejects U.S.-Backed Oil Law as "Robbery", Iraq Draft Oil Law Approved, the Art of Astrology - World Interest"/>

26 July 2007

Gas tanks explode in Dallas,..

DALLAS, Texas (AP) -- Flaming debris rained onto a busy highway during a series of explosions at a gas facility near the city's dense downtown area, rattling windows and buildings blocks away. At least three people were injured, hospital officials said.

Classic Jupiter,.. Moon to Jupiter hitting the 4th House there,..
Fire Sign Sagittarius,.. Conjunction Antares Alpha Scorpio,. The Red Heart of the Scorpion,.. Classic that,..

The top picture is zoomed in a bit toward the moon,.. which has pulled it out, right and up a little,... I did this for from the earths surface the Moon is so in that bright M4-Globular Cluster one cant really see it,...

An out an out great example of the moon as an antennae for ground station earth,.. As the moon applies itself to Signal from Jupiter M4 and Antares,.. Dial a Bomb,..
You wonder why i comment on Gordon Brown the way i do,.. He started work on a moon to Jupiter pluto Sag day like this,. a month ago infact,.. Hence i mention him and bombs,.. an hey presto,.. Two of em,.. Neptune at the Metallic Green Tiger and Uranus in the Blue City Pound,..

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23 July 2007

The Chinese and Singapore governments have become key investors in Barclays,
helping the UK firm to raise its offer for the Dutch bank ABN Amro.

The deal was arranged by the leading US private equity house, Blackstone - which recently sold a £1.5bn stake in itself to the Chinese state.
The Chinese state has $1.2 trillion of foreign exchange reserves to invest, much of which has been placed in US Treasuries or government bonds.
China recently signalled it would be taking a more imaginative and aggressive approach to how it invests hundreds of millions of dollars, including buying significant holdings in overseas companies.

Dollar Shy !?
How to disinvest in the dollar without urging its value to slide !?
Invest in Western Firms/Corporations,…

"Lenin is certainly right. There is no subtler or more severe means of overturning the existing basis of society (destroy capitalism) than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and it does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose."
-- John Marnard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1920, page 235ff

20 July 2007

Japan Earthquake Rattles World's Largest Nuclear Power Plant,...
Japan Probes Reports of Second "Nuclear Leak"

Barrels with nuclear waste have overturned during the quake and some of their lids were found open, although it was not immediately clear whether any of the waste spilled out, the BBC reported.

It was not immediately clear, whether any of the waste spilled out,…
What the heck kinda reporting is that,.. Party line pushers,...

Sun into Leo of this chart,... March 2014
Moon into Scorpio by then Trine Mercury in Cancer And Uranus in Pisces,.. If this isn't Radiation/Uranium/Mercury Poisoned waters, then i don't know anymore,..
Cancer Guys,.. all welcome and embrace our next Plague,...

2022/23 is the Mars Square Saturn,. Must look for that for Mars be in Earth sign here,. which be this force in tht earth,.. then when he squares, Crackatoa!..
And Fancy that, Moon Opposite to her Venus Recently Ret early Virgo Rising,.. Such Catchy timings,..

Onto 2025 with Moon Trine Sun Trine Jupiter,. and look at that beaut,.. 10 10 10,. Fire signs,.. yumm,. Nice and Crisp,..

14 July 2007

Lord Black of Crossharbour, Corrupt media tycoon faces 20 years’ jail

Once one of the most powerful press barons in the world, ya ya!, according to Vanity Fair, he carried a vomit bag around for years because of paralysing anxiety attacks., faces 15-20 years behind bars after a jury declared him guilty yesterday of looting the newspaper empire he built.

The former Telegraph chairman was convicted of three counts of fraud and one charge of obstruction of justice at the climax of a four-month trial in Chicago.

09 July 2007

A car bomb planted in central London would have caused "carnage" if it had exploded, police say.

Gordon Brown steps into office and the party begins,... Two Car bombs are discovered a third vehicle is lobbed at Glascow Airport a day or so later,... In True Terrible style,. we are led to believe the Terrorists are at large,.. Believe you me they very much are,.. At larger than you thought,...

Founder of Iraq Oil Workers Union Rejects U.S.-Backed Oil Law as "Robbery"

In Iraq, opposition is growing among some Sunni, Shia and Kurdish factions to a controversial oil law backed by Washington. Draft legislation on the distribution of oil wealth in Iraq was approved by the Iraqi cabinet on Tuesday and could go to parliament for review as early as next week.

Iraq Draft Oil Law Approved

BAGHDAD, Iraq, Feb. 27--The Iraqi Cabinet approved draft legislation Monday to manage the country’s vast oil industry and divide its wealth among the population, a key US benchmark for progress in this country. According to AFP, the legislation now goes to parliament for approval.