Gas tanks explode in Dallas,..

DALLAS, Texas (AP) -- Flaming debris rained onto a busy highway during a series of explosions at a gas facility near the city's dense downtown area, rattling windows and buildings blocks away. At least three people were injured, hospital officials said.

Classic Jupiter,.. Moon to Jupiter hitting the 4th House there,..
Fire Sign Sagittarius,.. Conjunction Antares Alpha Scorpio,. The Red Heart of the Scorpion,.. Classic that,..
The top picture is zoomed in a bit toward the moon,.. which has pulled it out, right and up a little,... I did this for from the earths surface the Moon is so in that bright M4-Globular Cluster one cant really see it,...
An out an out great example of the moon as an antennae for ground station earth,.. As the moon applies itself to Signal from Jupiter M4 and Antares,.. Dial a Bomb,..
You wonder why i comment on Gordon Brown the way i do,.. He started work on a moon to Jupiter pluto Sag day like this,. a month ago infact,.. Hence i mention him and bombs,.. an hey presto,.. Two of em,.. Neptune at the Metallic Green Tiger and Uranus in the Blue City Pound,..